Author Archives: Clam

Custom Colors Return!

We have decided to re-enable custom colors in our chatroom. Your nickname can now be any color you wish again.
We just ask that people please don’t abuse the custom colors by making super-bright usernames which people can’t read.

Chatzy Premium Renewed

As there has been strong support for keeping the current Chatzy chatroom for now, we have decided to renew our premium membership with them. PM’s, Chat History, and all features are now available again for our users.

The Great Chat-System debate

As you may know, are no longer maintaining their website or chat system. There are now multiple issues affecting our chatroom which are not being addressed, so we have chosen so far NOT to renew our premium membership with them.
This decision means chat history and personal messaging are no longer available, and the room is limited to 10 people at once.
There is now debate over what chat-system we should use moving forward into the future. Do we stay with Chatzy until they shut down unexpectedly one day? Or do we move to another chat service? Have your say in the poll below.

Advertising Stalled

Due to our advertiser’s new ISP having a fairly static IP address, advertising on Omegle has now stalled due to their ban system and being unable to reset IP addresses. VPN’s have also proved ineffective due to Omegle banning all VPN IP ranges.
Due to this we will be establishing a social media presence near the end of the year to continue advertising, while also looking into restoring Omegle advertising through the use of a second ISP with dynamic IP addresses for evading the ban system in early 2023.
Thank you to everyone for being so patient, and we will endeavour to increase our membership slowly over the next year.

Omegle Recruiting Campaign

Over the next few months we will be mercilessly recruiting from omegle, even though the moderators are now banning bots from their network. Even if it takes resetting the bots every 30 minutes, we WILL continue to advertise and grow our chatroom!
New members, click HERE to be taken to our chat, or click the “Chat” link on the main menu.

Google ads and the great crypto investment

Some of you may have heard one of our moderators Clamface Bobpants is gearing up to make a sizeable investment into the cryptomarket with a low goal of 150% return.
As Clam has been a moderator here for 4 years, he has generously offered $1000 towards Google Ads if he reaches his goal, as well as an additional $1000 for every 50% gain made over 150%.
Clam has been one of our most successful crypto investors to date, turning $2000 into $30,000 (1500%) in the space of 4 years. So please wish him well in his next investment, and with some luck our website will be on the Google Ads network within a year or two.


Omegle Bot Wars continue…

The Omegle Bot Wars are continuing, with Omegle attempting to ban keywords and force Captcha on bot advertisers. Recently upsetting their user base by requiring Captcha on every connection, they’ve now relaxed restrictions and returned to certain keywords triggering a Captcha.
Our advertisers will continue working around the blocked keywords, and advertising should now be functional but somewhat limited. We hope everyone enjoys seeing some new users in the chat again.

Gigabyte Power Supplies (PSUs)

We would like to warn our users against buying Gigabyte power supplies at present for your computers. There have been a lot of reports recently about exploding Gigabyte PSUs, with some models experiencing up to 50% failure rates, 1 in 2 power supplies fail.
The models in question are the GP-P750GM and GP-P850GM, but we recommend staying clear of all Gigabyte power supplies for now.