We’ve updated our website to make it slightly more mobile friendly, and to fit in with Travis’s love of the color Green.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Omegle Recruiting Campaign
Over the next few months we will be mercilessly recruiting from omegle, even though the moderators are now banning bots from their network. Even if it takes resetting the bots every 30 minutes, we WILL continue to advertise and grow our chatroom!
New members, click HERE to be taken to our chat, or click the “Chat” link on the main menu.

Website downtime
Due to our web host performing upgrades, there were some server issues which took our website offline. Everything seems to be back up and running normally now.
Google ads and the great crypto investment
Some of you may have heard one of our moderators Clamface Bobpants is gearing up to make a sizeable investment into the cryptomarket with a low goal of 150% return.
As Clam has been a moderator here for 4 years, he has generously offered $1000 towards Google Ads if he reaches his goal, as well as an additional $1000 for every 50% gain made over 150%.
Clam has been one of our most successful crypto investors to date, turning $2000 into $30,000 (1500%) in the space of 4 years. So please wish him well in his next investment, and with some luck our website will be on the Google Ads network within a year or two.

Omegle Bot Wars continue…
The Omegle Bot Wars are continuing, with Omegle attempting to ban keywords and force Captcha on bot advertisers. Recently upsetting their user base by requiring Captcha on every connection, they’ve now relaxed restrictions and returned to certain keywords triggering a Captcha.
Our advertisers will continue working around the blocked keywords, and advertising should now be functional but somewhat limited. We hope everyone enjoys seeing some new users in the chat again.
Gigabyte Power Supplies (PSUs)
We would like to warn our users against buying Gigabyte power supplies at present for your computers. There have been a lot of reports recently about exploding Gigabyte PSUs, with some models experiencing up to 50% failure rates, 1 in 2 power supplies fail.
The models in question are the GP-P750GM and GP-P850GM, but we recommend staying clear of all Gigabyte power supplies for now.
Thanks Carbon!
A big thank you to one of our users Carbon for helping to fix our advertising capabilities. We are now all ready to resume advertising by August 7th.
Website reaches 30,000 views!
Today our website has reached 30,000 unique visitors. A big thanks to everyone for taking the time to visit our website, and we hope to see you in the Chat!

Happy New Year!
A very happy 2021 to all our members!

Merry Christmas!
A very Merry Christmas to all our members and new arrivals!